Harrison High School
Class of 1973

Seniors, Remember When? ...

  • Candy Amyx was called "Funny Face"?
  • Jimmy Tilley was not here?
  • Becky Jones chased Bill Shaddox and tried to kiss him at her birthday party?
  • Kathy Brisco went with Ralph Hudson?
  • Denny Luellen went steady with EVERYBODY?
  • Verlie McCutcheon dated Rock Hudson?
  • All the things the boys did in Miss Harton's English class:
      blew fuzz from their socks, jumped out the window, put boots in the closet, spit paper wads at the lights?
  • Coach Scoggins did your algebra test for you?
  • O. J. liked JoJo?
  • Greg Carlton had a burr and used to keep his mouth shut?
  • We only had one liability in bookkeeping?
  • Becky Stobaugh's camp-outs and riding on the neighboorhood milk truck?
  • The boys threw water balloons instead of dough?
  • Anna Sue had a chipped tooth?
  • Andy McCutcheon was not a police siren?
  • Kevin McCorkindale was a corndog?
  • JoJo liked O. J.?
  • Ronald Murphy had a broken leg?
  • Jackie Mathis wore the same pair of shoes twice?
  • Danny Roth used to be a Zebra?
  • Curtis Pangle and John Watts "quit" the football team in 8th grade?
  • Ziffel had no hair and all ears?
  • All the boys hung out at the Chili Kitchen?
  • Jim Short and Danny Watts had a flat-top?
  • Brenda Eidson was not going steady with Don Smith?
  • It was a thrill to come to High School for Home Ec and Industrial Arts when we were Freshmen?

from our school newspaper, The Goblin, Vol. VII, No. VIII, May, 1973

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